Saturday, June 30, 2007

One of those weeks

Came back from Miri, Sarawak late on sunday nite. Both Kalam and me took part in the sprint and olympic distance triahtlon. It was my first Olympic Distance triahtlon AND I FINISHED IT!!! Me, an overweight 45yr old who couldn't finish two lanes in the pool in march 2006. Okay okay, before I go overboard - it took me 4 hours and I finished last. BUT they're only few 'elderly' ladies taking part in triathlons in Malaysia and even less than usual took part in Miri. So I won prizes both on saturday 'n sunday, woh got prize for coming in last.........

On wednesday i came home from work and found Dayan crying in pain- had just fallen of his bike. The elbow looked swollen and he couldn't bend the arm. So there went my intended 1hr biketraining, into the car and off to Hospital UKM. I stopped at the armyhospital in the camp first but they don't have X-ray facilities. But they insisted to put Dayan in the ambulance to send him. I followed behind a flashing ambulance with the sirens wailing.

However in HUKM they were not impressed by that and we had to wait hours,

triage first,

then make X-rays,

wait to see ER doc,

refer to orthopaedic spec,

refer to second orthopaedic spec,

make more X-rays, see bot ortho-docs again,

get backslab cast on his arm.

5 hours later, a few minutes before midnite we finally left the hospital, and headed straight for the nearest Kedai makan, starving -we both missed dinner.

Lucky it's his left arm, so he can still eat and write (it's his exam year). Don't know how he cleans his backside -didn't ask him, so far he seems to manage-. So poor Dayan won't be able to do antoher sprint triahtlon in Port Dickson in june (as if he was training wooohaaa).

Mej K. continued what he's been doin for the past month, runnin around like a chicken without a head, tryin to organise a world event in less than a month (world taekwando champoinships started yesterday in KL). His Ironman training is of course on track (ahum ahum)..........

Janie's kittens are growing 'n gettin' cuter every day, need to 'pinjam' Kalam's camera so I can take some pics....

1 comment:

bola2api said...

wow.. you finally did OD!!! congratulations to u!!