Friday, February 8, 2008


Joined the ride in Putrajaya this morning. Normally I'm scared to join the mutant club but got bored sittin' at home and so did Danial. With a lot of people out of town and Kalam still in Sabah difficult to organise a ride with our 'own level'. Announced was a 50km ride around Putrajaya and 10-20km run afterwards. I can survive 50km, told Danial we should just follow our own speed. However this morning only Shazly showed up, all the other mutants were apparently knocked out from the ride on thursday. We were joined by three pro-footballers (dunno their names and faces, I'm a total Ignoramus when it comes to football). Well these guys are new to cycling but their legs are nearly my size but not filled with blubber like mine..... So they cycled better than Danial and me. I suspect Danial was online till the early hours of the morning, which explains why he had difficulty keepin up.
I estimate we cycled around 50km, (my speedmeter rosak). Shazly was running when we came back but Danial didn't have 'umpphh' for a run, neither did the footballers. So I just ran around the circle at the mosque once. Bit malu, runnin and cyclin around in thights in front of mosque....
Feel better after the ride, need my regular dose of endomorphins (Addict!!!)....

Tryin to get some work done on the computer, prepare some powerpoints, but my heart is not in it. Workwise I'm at a crossroads, got a few offers but haven't decided what to do yet:
First - Offer from one of the big nursing colleges to work as an lecturer.
Pro's; salary increase, sponsorship for bachelor and masters degree (something I've been wanting to do for a long time but lacked the finances). 5day work week
Con's; Work not very attractive. Turning out nurses like factory, quality of nurses from these colleges also not great. Would loose touch with my specialism (intensive care nursing)

Second - New hospital opening in the middle of 2008
Pro's; Able to work as pioneers and have a big say in the set-up of the education department. Working with good and professional management, would look forward to work with these people again. Able to stay in my specialism.
Con's: Salary probably no significant increase (waiting for offer letter). Far to travel, would be very difficult to fit in any training during week days. Workhours 9-6, alternate saturday off.

Last - Stay put
Pro's; Familiar, no hassle to rearrange work permit. Acceptable travel distance. Involved in JCI-accredidation preparation. Able to stay in my specialism. Also the person that used to make my work difficult has resigned and left.
Con's:Too often still regarded as 'just one of the ICU-nurses'. (But starting to get my voice across). 5 1/2 day workweek.

Anyone got a 3-sided coin?


Raymond said...

Hey Nurina,didnt know u r a nurse?ICU nirse somemore wow~!
A very active nurse who does tri,now that's amazing!
Which teaching hosp r u attach currently?

nurina said...

Haha, I also didn't know till recently that youre an anaesthetist (neither did I know that Carmen Leong is a nurse too). Guess healthcare is well represented in triahtlon. I'm currently attached to Gleneagles Intan Medical Centre, teaching post-basic Critical care Nursing and other short courses (BLS, ACLS and such)

sofiantriathlete said...

Thank you for your hospitality today