After fasting month it was high time to swing into action again. So started my slow morning jogs, went to swim training, cycled with Sue Ee and the fridaynite geng. But my body said "Hoo, what do u think u are doing l - think youre still in youre twenties ah? After one week I was dead tired, could hardly lift my left arm and had no choice but to slow down.
Slowly thing are improving, Alvin helped to correct my stroke in order to spare the shoulder. Yesterday's session felt good, swim felt easy and my speed (if you can call it that) is coming back.
The extra weight is still stuck, expect it will take till next ramadhan to get it off!
Hubby dearest suddenly got an assignment to accompagny a shipment for the UN to Lebanon and at the moment he is somewhere in the Arabian sea, later tonight they should be approaching the gulf of Aden -pirates beware. Pics are taken last week when I send him off in port Klang.
Great news yesterday - UPNM won Perhentian challenge!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kalam called from the ship (satelite phone) just when I got the news and of course he was very happy. No details available yet, just follow the links, I'm sure Chan will update their blog soon. CONGRATS
Took the kids to the National Science Centre today and we had a nice time, see pictures
there ...the other orange disk
(sorry -my handphone camera not very good, I dont own posh phone. Kalam took the camera with him)

Nice fishies

Nice fishies

Dayan taking part in the science-show -somehow I think this could be the career for him - did you see him on "Lu fikir lah sendiri Nabil"??

1 comment:
Hello! Amir here! I'm a blogger! Visit my page!!
Hannan keeps asking when can she meet Darimi. I keep telling her..At the Japanese school..
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