Our 5 little kittens are soooo cute...., even the ears are cute

Taking a moment to reflect before getting down from the dinner table.
We all had lots of plans for the weekend. Danial and me were to walk up the 'Iron hill' (Bukit Besi) on saturday afternoon.
We were supposed to take off at five but a visitor dropped by making us 20 min late. By that time the 3 younger ones had caught our intention and were determined to join in the fun. No matter how Danial and me warned them that the whole walk of more than 12km with a very steep hill was too much for them....it only made them more determined. They kept trudging behind us for several kilometers. In the end Danial and me gave in, we couldn't just leave them behind, forging ahead also not a good idea. So we all just had a good walk and turned around, bought an icecream and returned home, we walked 5-6 km not bad for those little legs....
On saturday mornings Mum is the only getting up early and going to work, all the others have their day off and sleep in. So this sunday Mum had a chance to sleep in...., all family members were warned that waking Mum up early was punishable by the most severe measures imaginable.
Mej K. and Danial had big plans to run in the 'adidas King of the Road'. Dad planning to run a half marathon 21 km (after all he's planning to do Ironman in a few months time) and Danial was to run 7 km. They got all their racekit ready the evening before, shoes/shorts/powergel/racenumbers etc.
Alas, fate intervened......
The alarmclock didn't go off and Mej K only woke at 7am, the run was to be flagged off at 7.30am. So everyone went back to sleep and silly mum promised to wake everyone up next time (gila tak? my rare chance to sleep in).
Ati had her birthday on the 31st of may, Darimi on the 11th of July and Dayan on the 18th of July. Lack of finances and time made us postpone their birthday celebration (we only treated them with a trip to the cinema earlier). So we went shopping for presents, bought a big cake with candles and had our little celebration. Shopping with Kalam is quite funny, he'll put on his best martyr face, stoically enduring the torture of shopping that his cruel wife puts him through. (Except of course when we visit the sport-section).
I think it's the first time Ati has ever celebrated her birthday, she whispered shyly to me "Bila saya kena tiup lilin?("When should I blow the candles?").
Still a far cry from life in Europe, birthday just don't carry the same importance here. I'm getting worse and worse, often forget my families birthdays.... forget Kalam's b'day as well. Gettin old and senile I guess...

Our 3 birthday kids and their cake and their near-senile Mum

After shopping we went for a walk up Ironhill. This time Kalam,Danial, Dayan and me drove to the foot of the hill. Well I can confirm everyone's reports .... it's one piece of a nasty steep hill.
All in all, ate too much, exercised too litle, probably gained a few pounds......
Work is very busy but rewarding, conducting a training program for newly qualified nurses joining ICU ward.
Good news my leave for Desaru has been approved, we'll leave on friday the 17th after lunch....
Last place in the sprint is booked....
wah boleh termiss adidas run, sambung tido balik tu, hahaha
miss u, c u at desaru!
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tak pahe pula!
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