Life is back to normal. Rahmah is back and the household runs smoothly under her excellent care.
Kids are back in school, exams are finished.All eagerly waiting for the long holidays to start.
Kalam is the only lucky one, he took a few weeks leave (he's got soooo much leave >40days a year I think). He will only start work on monday.He finally managed to snap out of the zombie-state that caught hold of him in fasting month. Normally an active person, however for 6 weeks he was just vegetating either in bed or in front of the TV. But he's back to normal, running, cycling (n a bit of swimming). GGRRR, even after 6 weeks of complete standstill his runs still looks smooth and I'm struggling to run 500m as usual.
Sunday the 2nd the whole family is going to take part in Brooks' fun run (5km). Darimi is really looking forward to it, he finally will have a number on his shirt!!! He is still very motivated to become a triathlete. He's training with me or Kalam, a few rounds on his bike.... His biggest idols in life are; 1. Abang Salman (or 'Salaman' as he pronounces it)
2. Abang Lidum (but Lidum has graduted from UPNM and has moved on the Alor Setar)
3. Abang Dino
I have to try and snap a pic of him on his bike training alongside Kalam, sooo cccuuuttee (Darimi I mean, not Kalam).
Apart from becoming a triathlete Darimi is suddenly very religious. In kindergarten he's learned all the doa's and we get frequent spot checks now. "Mum did you read doa before you started eating"oops, "Papa, did you read doa before you entered the toilet", oops. "Abang did you read doa before going out of the house", oops. So far he's not checking on visitors yet, but anyone coming for a Raya visit better brush up on those doa's!!!
I've started training bits in the afternoon but it is slow going, all fitness level has gone down the drain. My weight is up, my body feels like flubber and I'm slower than ever, sigh....
i miss the little darimi. nanti nak suruh dia baca doa makan lah
Powerman...kasi hentam cukup2 ye
sebelom start powerman, drimi buleh baca doa for us :)
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